Program: Lift 1

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Program: Lift 1


Program Lift offers two levels of intensity (Lift 1 and Lift 2) and caters to both novice (Lift 1)  and advanced  (Lift 2) individuals. Both programs consists of 5 individual target zones - chest, back, shoulders, quads and glutes in a body building split fashion - and includes 4 - 5 different exercise movements per split. Lift 1 is for the beginner / novice athlete, while Lift 2 includes advanced movements and incorporates progressions.

Both Lift 1 & Lift 2 Programs include video demonstrations of all Lifts. Just cut and paste the provided URL in your browser for each exercise and you will be directed to a video demonstration of it. 

A bonus ABSeries is also included with the purchase of either Programs!

Required: Access to a  public / private gym with a wide range of weight lifting equipment.

Recommended: Master Lift 1 Program before moving on to Lift 2. Seek advice from a medical professional before starting any new fitness program.

Link for PDF of training program will be sent to your email upon purchase.


* All programs and session packages are non-refundable. Sessions are transferable only upon ( Liz Montalbano Fitness) LMF's discretion and there is a 6 month expiration date on all sessions. LMF enforces a strict 24-hour cancellation policy on all scheduled sessions which will be deemed forfeited by the client if not adhered to.

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